China Will Be Guest Country To 2018 Bologna Children’s Book Fair

Good news came that China will be the Guest Country to the 55th Bologna Children’s Book Fair. Guest Country normally was designated by the organizer of an exhibition for propaganda, especially about its culture. Chinese delegation will also discuss relevant issues with the organizing committee of the book fair and plan for the activities in 2018.

Since its debut in 2014 to Bologna Children’s Book Fair, Chinese delegation echoed with national strategy of “going out” as their normality in international arena. Today, Chinese pavilion has finally been shown to be the backbone of the world’s publication. In 2017, there were 35 publishing companies showed up in Bologna Children’s Book Fair, including 19 children’s publishing companies and 16 non-children publishing companies.Chinese delegation covers a total area of 400 square meters, with 2,751 children’s books on display. There were a total of 485 categories and 695 volumes of foreign sampling books in English, German and other languages displayed on-site. In the aspect of copyright licensing, the Chinese delegation plans to implement more than 700 outputs of copyright.


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